Meaning of Lullaby

Meaning of Lullaby

The word that concerns us now, we must emphasize that it is a word that emanates from an onomatopoeia. Specifically, it comes from what is expressed as “rrru rrruuu” and is used to refer to the sounds made by pigeons.

Lullaby is a concept that can be used in different contexts and with different meanings. The term comes from the verb to coo, which refers to the emission of certain sounds.

A stream can be the monotonous sound that allows pigeons and turtledoves to manifest their heat. For example: “The lullaby of the pigeons did not let me sleep through the night”, “Yesterday, while I was walking down the street, I heard a noise that I could not identify, until I realized that it was the lullaby of the pigeons”, “Do you hear the cooing? It seems to me that that dove is looking for a partner. ”

In a similar sense, it is defined as lullaby to the seductive speech with which a person tries to make another fall in love: “The night was long and the gallant began with his lullaby from the first hour”, “The boy’s lullaby did not give effect, since she she left alone and happy from the party “, ” Finish with the lullaby: I have already told you that I have a boyfriend “.

The monotonous singing that is used to numb or reassure children is also known as lullaby: “My father started with the lullaby and the little boy fell asleep within a few seconds”, “I don’t know what happens to Kevin, but the lullaby doesn’t have effect ”, “ After hearing the lullaby so much, my husband ended up asleep on the couch ”.

In addition to all the above, we must emphasize that within the world of music there are several songs that use the term lullaby in their titles. A good example of this is the composition “Arrullo de estrellas” by the Mexican rock band Zoé. In her fifth album, “Prográmaton”, it was where she included a song that is a true song of love and all the feelings that are experienced when you are with the person you love.

A lullaby, finally, can be the garment with which babies are wrapped to hold them in their arms. It is a garment similar to the blanket: “Please, hand me the brown lullaby that I am going to take Leticia out of her crib”, “Nico’s lullaby was stained with milk”.

Of this garment designed for babies we would have to say that it has a series of characteristics that identify and differentiate it from other similar articles. Specifically, among its main signs are these:
• The lullaby is made with very soft and soft fabrics, so that the little one is comfortable and protected.
• This article gives you security and protection, since you come to feel inside it as when you were in the womb.
• It is usual to resort to wrapping the baby in the coo when it is crying. And it is where you will find the tranquility and relaxation you need.
• Two of the main differences that the lullaby has with respect to the toquilla is that it has a smaller size and is used for the interior of the house.
